Alright then, but what are you actually aoing to help me with, Sandra?

We will be reinventing ourselves, strengthening, and building ourselves anew, so you can take off like a rocket, believe in yourself, and soar towards your goals.

Now, I know the sound of all of above can make you think like I am mad and there is no way, you can possibly get there.

But please, please, please – believe in small steps, where from one session to the other you will be able to see the changes. 

I'm here if you’re looking for support on your path to change...

If you’re struggling in a relationship and you’re unsure whether it suits you, I will help you to check your priorities and needs. Sometimes all you need is  a clear look at whether there’s a chance to rebuild it or not.

If you’re dealing with a narcissistic individual, I’ll assist you in establishing boundaries on how to interact with them in a way that minimizes harm to you.

If you’re considering leaving a narcissistic partner, you’ll find support in me, along with step by step individual plan on how to prepare yourself for such a separation and, most importantly, how to cope afterwards in the most safe way for you and your children. I will help you to setp up the rules for parallel parenting afterwards.

If you have a narcissistic parent, boss, or anyone in your closest circle, we’ll work together to set your boundaries and establish principles upon which your relationship will  be based from now on.  And this is not because you’ve completely lost your mind and became selfish, but rather so that you can be happier, more content, and live your life on your own terms, not dictated by others.

And this is called self – care.

I am here for you.

I understand ...

After experiencing trauma, we often label ourselves as someone with trauma, for instance, “I am a victim of narcissistic, physical, or emotional abuse.” Now, there is nothing wrong in the above description. The only wrong thing is that it has happened to you, and it is not your fault, what’s more what has happened doesn’t define who you are.

However, with all of the love in the world, you don’t want to feel like this, for the rest of your life, do you? And this is where we start to shift our beliefs and create new ones. I have been hurt, but I am not a victim anymore, I am a survivor and I am about to use my strength not to survive but to thrive and live a happy life. I understand that you might feel like frozen, not having a clue where to start from. I get you.

I will help you work through your blocks. I will be there for you. At this time, while you’re reading this, I want you to know you are not alone. Many people in the same situation didn’t know how to start but they knew they wanted a different life.

You are a miracle....

After experiencing trauma, we often label ourselves as someone with trauma, for instance, “I am a victim of narcissistic, physical, or emotional abuse.” Now, there is nothing wrong in the above description. The only wrong thing is that it has happened to you, and it is not your fault.

However, with all of the love in the world, you don’t want to feel like this, for the rest of your life, do you? And this is where we start to shift our beliefs and create new ones. I have been hurt, but I am not a victim anymore, I am a survivor and I am about to use my strength not to survive but to thrive and build a happy life. (It’s a good rhyme, isn’t?). I understand that you might feel like frozen, not having a clue where to start from. I get you.

I will help you work through your blocks. I will be there for you. At this time, while you’re reading this, I want you to know you are not alone. Many people in the same situation didn’t know how to start but they knew they wanted a different life.

I can’t promise you miracles, but with your determination and desire – we can start your healing journey right now.

The key to change is the subconscious mind.

Sometimes it might also happen that you already know so much, you want to move forward, but it’s as if your feet are stuck and you’re not heading your destination. And do you know why that might be? It’s because only 4% of what’s within us is conscious. This 4% represents what we know and what we’ve learned so far. For instance, a person struggling with excess weight knows that they need to take care of themselves and, as a result, loose those extra pounds. They might be well familiar with various diet plans and exercises. Yet, even though they might be an expert in this area, they’re not progressing. Why?

Well, it’s because of those remaining 96% of our unconscious beliefs – we know why it is good to lose weight but what does it actually mean, what would happen to us, if we reach our goals? What sort of beliefs we soaked in when we were little? What body image was popular in our frist family? What would I need to face with if I lost those extra pounds?

How would we feel?

What would be our family or people who are the closest to our heart reaction to us being slimmer? I know all of these can sound childish now, but believe me – you are built up from all sorts of beliefs and their roots come from the past, and often we are not aware they are there, as we are grown up people yet still thinking in the same way as, when we were 6 years old, for example. So there is a job to do! We work on these beliefs, question the ones that no longer serve us, and move forward. There’s no time to waste!

I am here for you.

What do people say?

Testimonials from the folks who changed their lives – for better.

I really get how you may feel. It is so hard to face narcissistic abuse, but all of the manipulation and gaslighting are real. I wish you know, you have got everything you need to live the happy life.