Who is a narcissist?
We use the word “narcissist” a lot these days, but if you ask me who is a person with a narcissistic personality, popularly known as a “narcissist”, I would say that such a person, among others:
- is completely self-absorbed
- has no empathy
- feels that he is "in the ownership"
- is defensive in a pathological way, you won't be able to get to its true core
- is not responsible for any mistakes because he believes that others make them, while he is never wrong
- will give you false promises, will tell you what you want to hear, especially at the beginning of the relationship you will feel that you have found the ideal who shows great interest in you and makes you feel really important. Unfortunately, it's like throwing a hook with a worm into the water, and once you catch the rod, sooner or later you will feel like mentioned fish, struggling in the water, feeling like there is no way out.
- follows twisted ethics rules, where his behaviour is always justified, regardless of whether it hurts someone or not
- considers manipulation and all kinds of lies, big and small, as a way to achieve what he cares about
- can create a perfect image of himself, and even a story of his past, sometimes it's unbelievable what a narcissist can come up with in order to achieve what he wants or impress the others
- he can have two faces, the one for the world, the ideal one, the leader, even the spiritual guide, characterized by all positive features, while at home, behind closed doors, he can be a inhuman person. Also in a relationship, he can have two faces, the loving one and the cruel one, where even the eyes of this person can be very cold, like he is someone else.
- in a relationship, he depends on what he gets from the other person
I am here for you.
Navigating life after a narcissistic relationship: What to expect and how to rebuild?
Roughly translated, here are the main characteristics of a narcissistic person. It’s difficult to break away from a narcissistic person because you need to know how to prepare yourself beforehand. Moreover, after the breakup, you might not feel much better at all, regardless of whether you have children together or not. Ex partner with narcissistic personality disorder is less likely to leave you alone.
Often they jump straight on to new relationship yet they will try lots of tricks, to keep you reminded he is always there, trying to get your attention often by messing around. It is never easy, but with the right support and boundaries being put in place, you are able to build your life afterwards.
A relationship with a narcissistic person is so specific that in most cases, seeking help from a specialist is necessary to avoid repeating the same story and not falling in love again with another narcissist. Often court arrangements are needed too. Remember, there is always a way to sort it out. I will help you in all of the areas I can, and will refer you to other professionals if required.
If you had narcissistic parent: Recognize the pain and reclaim your life...
A narcissistic parent may inflict deep wounds, often escaping accountability, especially in environments where psychological or physical abuse is normalized. Despite increasing awareness around narcissistic abuse, grown up adults, who experience it aren’t fully aware of what’s happened to them. Survivors of narcissistic abuse very often blame themselves and may not realize the extent of mistreatment they experienced. Once they encounter emotionally stable relationships or realize how happy they can be independently, they start to understand the depth of pain caused by the previous relationship. This awareness of abuse usually shows up later as part of the healing process.
If you find these words resonate with you, please reach out to me. I’m committed to help as many people as possible because I’ve been where you are. And so was my mentor, Caroline Strawson, a renowned expert in trauma recovery related to narcissistic abuse. Don’t be afraid to start—be afraid of the changes ahead, but also be brave enough to claim what’s yours!
I know you might feel like a zombie right now, an empty shell with no life left in it. I know, it is hard to decide to leave as narcissistic partner isn’t bad all of the time, at least not at first. What you need to be aware is that narcissist won’t change. They will tell you what they know you would like to hear, but they won’t change. I know that this isn’t the life you dreamed about. But this state can and must be changed. We all have a choice, and it is so beautiful to see another person waking up to life. So, what is your choice?
I am here for you.
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Why can I help you?
In addition to knowledge, I have personally experienced many difficult moments, which is why I know how to find happiness again.